Sunday, May 2, 2010

joining the party late...

Yes, I may be the last human being on the planet to create a blog. I'm quite certain that there are sentient dust bunnies living under the couch who have their own blogs ("The Dust Life", "Clumps o' Fur", etc)

So here I am, starting late. (Hmmm...that's been a theme in my life, but in the past few years, I've been working on changing that stale, old tune...)

My name is Susan, a.k.a, for purposes of this blog, as LeelaCat. This will be a blog about art and the creative life. What inspires me and others around me. My artwork, my influences and my slowly developing business, LeelaCat Studio.

The real Leela is one of the 4 cats that share a home with my husband and me. She's the one who I can always rely on to be my companion while I'm working in my studio.

Welcome, then to "From LeelaCat Studio". The party may have started later than others, but I hope that it will be enjoyable for everyone!


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